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Change Haters

"Unable to check for update" error message

I love me a good software update. I get genuinely excited whenever I see a “click to update” notification. What will they change? Is that bug I hate going away? Is there a new feature? Have they *spine tingle* updated their UI? Usually, it’s nothing more than some minor bug fixes and/or a critical security update (boring!) But when it’s something new—something I wasn’t expecting—that’s the stuff I crave.

But apparently, I’m alone. Because whenever a company updates its product, the haters come out of the proverbial woodwork to scream the app down. “I hate it!” “It’s ugly!” “I’m a terrible human who hates change and wants to be the singular cause of why we collectively can’t have nice things!” Seriously, what’s with the progress angst, fellow users? Especially when it’s a free product. Maybe beggars can’t be choosers, but they sure as hell can whine like little babies when someone changes the color tint of their precious UI element.

Maybe it’s because, as someone who works in software, I know how hard and behind-the-scenes painful getting new releases to launch can be (spoiler alert: very painful). Still, I love any update I get, even if I hate it. What I mean is that I enjoy the surprise of a software update. It’s like opening a present at Christmas. Sure it’s most likely socks or underwear (even though old, current me loves to get socks and underwear), but sometimes it’s that thing you really, really want that you’ve been leaving hints about all year that you whispered into Santa’s ear when you sat on his lap at the mall even though you knew he wasn’t really Santa and he smelled faintly of liquor, but maybe he had an in with the big guy and was willing to help a deserving kid out. That’s the rush I chase with every click of the “Hell yes! Update my shit ASAP software developer people!” button.

Maybe I only speak for myself but keep bringing on those software updates techno-Clauses. Because if I don’t like what you give me this time, there’s always another Christmas around the corner.

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