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I’m Mark, and this is my website. Well, one of my websites. I seem to have more of these things than I really need. Or that most people care to visit. Yet here we are.

This is my newest creation; a place to exercise my writing muscles and share utterly random thoughts in prose. I enjoy writing, well, as much as anyone can enjoy writing, but I don’t do it nearly enough. I thought that maybe if I built a site that dared me to write regularly, I’d do it more and hopefully get better at it in turn. Lofty and naive goals, I know.

I wanted to keep it light and simple, so there is no overall thematic guidance as to the content of what I write and post here. The only common theme is that each piece must be written in roughly a quarter of an hour. With editing and formatting, and posting, the overall process tends to take more than 15 minutes, but the actual copy creation is pretty closely restricted to the titular timebox as one can get without being orthodox about it. And I’m many things, but orthodox I’m

Anyway, enjoy and drop me a line at not mark@15mincopy.me if you are so inclined. It’s always nice to know you’re not just yelling into the void.